Lorna Liana

EntheoNation & Founder, Plant Spirit School

Lorna Liana

Lorna Liana is the CEO of EntheoNation, a leading publisher of content about psychedelics, modern shamanism, and visionary culture. https://entheonation.com/

She’s also the Founder of The Plant Spirit School, an online school offering workshops, programs, and 1 to 1 mentoring to individuals and professionals in the psychedelic and plant medicine sector. https://plantspiritschool.com

💖 As a business coach and marketing mentor, she helps psychedelic brands, startups, retreat companies, guides, integration coaches and therapists grow their business with integrity through:

⭐️ Content strategy that engages, educates and inspires
⭐️ Online marketing that attracts customers and clients
⭐️ The creation of values-aligned reciprocity programs

Deep in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, Lorna Liana discovered her purpose and her divine calling while drinking visionary plant medicines with indigenous shamans. She was given a mission:

“To leverage emerging technologies to preserve indigenous traditions, so that ancient wisdom can benefit the modern world, and technology can empower indigenous people.”

In pursuit of this mission, Lorna became a new media strategist to sustainable brands, social ventures and visionary entrepreneurs, helping them attract their tribe and ignite a movement around their mission-driven businesses.